Forward Agent Services

  • Receive consolidated cargo (sea , land ,air);
  • Sort goods and designate different locations in our warehouses in reference to goods nature;
  • Submit necessary documents and delivery order with the relevant authorities;
  • Provide reports with photographs of damaged or missing goods;
  • Provide the agent with regular reports containing all information about the goods in our warehouses and which have been delivered to clients.
  • Provide customs clearance service;
  • Provide free storage period;
  • Provide transport and distribution services;
  • Access to the goods partially or wholly dispose of the same by importing into the local market or re-exporting through different ports;
  • Potential for cargo transfer from forwarding agent’s stock to client’s stock in the event that the client enters into storage agreement with us;
  • Access to cargo and confirm conformity thereof with required specifications and conditions.
Our capability of development is limitless.